Thursday 25 October 2012

back on the horse

time to get back on the blogging horse.  as a brief update:  we've moved and for anyone who has ever negotiated, cleaned, packed, and stressed their way through that process, those two words "we've moved" speaks volumes about what our summer was like.
we are happily settled in now and our new space has felt like home since the minute we walked in the door.  not only does it have a lovely 70s retro feel (exposed brick fireplace/wall from floor to ceiling, brass and smoked glass light fixtures, brady-bunch style railings and balcony overlooking living space, stucco walls in basement...oh the list really could go on and on), it has a flow and a brightness to it that make me very happy.  and space.  i'm definitely a gal who needs her space.
i've been you miss your old home?  the one you brought your kids home to?  the one where you left behind your pantry door with their height markings??  no. no. and no.  i still have the kids so all is good.  they were small, they grew, and they are still here.  what is there to feel sentimental about?

1 comment:

  1. Your new home sounds great! You can do new height markings. Enjoy!
