Wednesday 30 January 2013

Joy Found in the Junk Drawer

I love to organize.  Simply love it.  Not that I am consistently on top of the game, mind you.  But there is something so satisfying in finding places for the clutter and making things easier to enjoy.  Today, on my prized day off, I have decided to reorganize the kitchen and clear some things that did not get weeded out prior to the move.  You know, the "junk" drawer (make that plural in my case).  Our assortment consisted of a hearty collection of pencil crayons of various sizes and colours (all left for dead because the kids have some notion that each school year must be started with new pencil crayons), colouring books (and it's been years since my kids sat and coloured), more three ring binder paper than one home should ever have, an electric brake control box (wires and all....seriously), and school work from three years ago.  And that was just the first drawer.  It was a purging stroll down memory lane and really, aren't those the best kind? sweet.  recycled.  I remember this... so cute.  trash. 
 It felt happy and productive at the same time.  To me, that's the best kind of day.  

Saturday 19 January 2013

Surely Those Can't Be Mine

This weekend DD#1 and I are in Milton for a swim meet.  For those not familiar with what a swim meet entails, I can sum it up in one small word: Sitting.  And you are sitting for hours.  Hours of chlorine stinging your eyes and loud whistles being blown and, if like today, you are lucky enough to have to sit on deck, you may also get splashed a bit too.  Which is fine because it does keep you awake.  Now in the midst of the sitting come some bright moments.  Today I got to watch DD#1 swim for 34 seconds in freestyle, 40 seconds in backstroke, and then 12 minutes in freestyle to end things (that 800m is some good value for your viewing money). 
Quite understandably, I was both exhausted (did I tell you we were out of the house by 5am?) and restless by the time the morning was done.  An interesting combination and one that warranted a dual plan of attack.  After a 45 minute nap, I hit the hotel gym.  Now I haven't yet set foot on a treadmill in our gym at home--for some reason jogging in front of strangers makes me feel self conscious--but since the room was empty I hopped on the treadmill and began my jog.  And then I looked up and realized that the entire wall in front of me was mirrored.  And that those strange, dimply knees were mine.  Oh dear God.  It was a moment of intense confusion (but wait, aren't those my grandmother's knees? how did they get here?), shameful realisation (ugh.  those nasty, jiggly, dimply things are attached to me--how on earth did I lose my muscles that used to be there?), and useful motivation (  It was probably the best run I've done in years (and I have tried, off and on, to love running. I truly have) and best of all, I now have a clear fitness goal.  Dimply knees be gone, this 40 something is pulling out a short skirt come summer.

Friday 18 January 2013

Butterfly File

I have suspected that something is amiss in my brain for a few months now.  Maybe it's stress.  Maybe it's the dreaded M word.  All I know is that for some reason I cannot retrieve words, make decisions, remember simple things, or otherwise function as a competent person. 
The other week, as I drove DD#2 through the neighbourhood around her piano lesson (as we were actually early for once!) to look at the Christmas lights, I had a good two minutes where I had no idea how to get back to the house for her lesson.  In fact, she had to tell me.
Today I went for a midday Starbucks treat and as I ripped open the brown sugar to add it to my coffee, I threw the torn piece in the garbage and then promptly emptied the sugar into the garbage instead of my coffee. 
Sadly, I could fill a page with examples.  While I am trying to laugh it all off, I have to wonder if it's time for the Butterfly File. Or maybe some hormones? 
Seeing as I currently have neither,  I will self medicate with a little wine and chocolate. 

Wednesday 16 January 2013

Indigo Girls - Closer To Fine

This song popped into my head today.  While the video is undeniably cheesey (cue the flute player!) the harmonies make me happy. 

Tuesday 15 January 2013

Another from Anne Taintor

Another gem from Anne Taintor--this would be DH's opinion on the volunteering that's for sure.

Reluctant Volunteer

It was recently told to me that time spent working on my job outside of my work hours (Christmas Break) was considered "volunteering" and not considered lieu time.  I have had a lot of opportunity to think on that comment and I wonder just what kind of message that sends.  What do you (and maybe there is no "you" out there reading me, which I guess will make this a boring question) think of that?  Should we be required to "volunteer" our time to meet the conditions of our job?  Would love to hear some opinions on this one.

Sunday 13 January 2013

Like There is No Tomorrow

DH and I joined a gym today.  Many children (and really another whole life) ago, DH and I used to workout every morning before work. We were lean, we had energy, and we fit into our "skinny clothes".  Although the past 14 years has changed us, our body shapes, and our disposable/free time, we are committing to spend time together while improving our health.  Where we used to enjoy fine eating and fine wine, now we will endure, I mean enjoy, low fat cooking and filtered water. Who are we kidding, there will still be wine.  For me at least.  But apart from that, I feel like we are on a new path and hopefully a renewed energy that will spread to our family as a whole.  Only good can come from this.
As for tonight, the night before healthy gill takes over, I will be eating like there is no tomorrow. Seriously.  

Tuesday 8 January 2013

Shredding It

Jillian Michaels is a woman I love to hate.  In fact, lately I have been spending a good deal of time hurling insults in her direction.  No matter that she is on my tv screen and will never hear these things.  That's probably for the best as I am guessing that she could kick my butt to next Tuesday if she chose to.  But as she is yelling at me to do "two more" and then blithely adding in 10, she deserves what she gets.  I'm not sure what the title "30 day shred" is supposed to refer to exactly but I suspect it may be referring to my quads after this last session.  I will be lucky to successfully rise from the toilet today.     

Sunday 6 January 2013

Me Before You by Jojo Moyes

I just finished the most unexpectedly thought provoking book I have read in a while.  Posing as a piece of "fluffer", this book appeared to be a light-hearted chick-lit kind of novel that I thought would suit the bill for a little light holiday reading.  Sometimes I like to feel like I know how a book will end before I begin, likely to do with my dislike of surprises.  I thought this was that sort of book and settled in for a comfortable read when wham, I was broadsided with a patch reality in my sunny escape.  But in a good way.
I read this book in a day (which involved some pretty impressive ignoring of my family) and when I was done I sat there, mouth wide open, in shock.  And then I cried a little bit.  And then I thought about it (and thought about it).  If you get a chance, check out this gem and then let me know what you think.

Saturday 5 January 2013

Justin Hines - Say What You Will

For my good friend Ruth, who is saying good bye to her father today. If you are still walking this earth, it is not too late to say what you need to say.  Lots of love to you Ruth, Stephen, Heather, Alison, and Aaron.

Friday 4 January 2013

Genius Bar Blues

My last full day of Christmas Break laid out before me--I had intentions of reading by the fireplace, walking the dog with DD2, cleaning up Christmas, and getting some groceries.  Leisurely and lazy.  That's my ideal day.  But first, I had a small 10 minute appointment to get through.  A trip to the Genius Bar to have a look at the calendar on my phone, which had been mysteriously disappearing and reappearing in different incarnations since I (stupidly) updated the software just before Christmas.  It's a calendar.  How complicated can it be really?  Clearly too complicated for me but hey, that's not saying much at all.  Three and a half hours later I returned.  Disgruntled.  And no further ahead in my problem.  And the best part?  The proffered solution was to call Apple on the phone.  So, I could've been in my pyjamas and multitasking away my morning instead of hanging out at the bar with a bunch of twenty some-things who think it is a crime to have to handwrite notes in class  (more on that another time) or have just decided after a year of having the phone that not being able to use the vibrate setting is a deal breaker?
So I head back home and I call Apple.  And several hours later we come to the solution--a new phone.  Arg.  A whole beautiful day wasted to come to the conclusion my 14 year old came to in 5 mins, "you need a new phone mom".  Genius indeed.

Thursday 3 January 2013

Welcome 2013

While 2012 sucker punched us at the last possible minute with a broken furnace on new year's eve, I remain ever optimistic for 2013.  So much so, that for the first time in a very long time I am going to make a new year's resolution or two(or three). 
First, I am going to spend more time with my parents.  At least one visit a week.  They live 10 minutes from me and they deserve some of my attention.  And I will enjoy it too.  My parents are good people and easy to appreciate and to make happy.  So I guess that's an easy one.
Second, I am going to stop working at night at home. DH bought me a laptop for Christmas so that should help things considerably. 
Lastly, I am going to try to do some sort of physical activity everyday.  I have a vacation coming up in March and I don't want any wobbly bits while wearing my swim suit.  Likely unrealistic (the no wobbly bits part anyway) but I am sure |I can make a dent in the old bingo wings at any rate.
So there it is, in black and white folks.  Here's to a happy and healthy 2013 for all of us!