Sunday 13 January 2013

Like There is No Tomorrow

DH and I joined a gym today.  Many children (and really another whole life) ago, DH and I used to workout every morning before work. We were lean, we had energy, and we fit into our "skinny clothes".  Although the past 14 years has changed us, our body shapes, and our disposable/free time, we are committing to spend time together while improving our health.  Where we used to enjoy fine eating and fine wine, now we will endure, I mean enjoy, low fat cooking and filtered water. Who are we kidding, there will still be wine.  For me at least.  But apart from that, I feel like we are on a new path and hopefully a renewed energy that will spread to our family as a whole.  Only good can come from this.
As for tonight, the night before healthy gill takes over, I will be eating like there is no tomorrow. Seriously.  

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