Thursday 3 January 2013

Welcome 2013

While 2012 sucker punched us at the last possible minute with a broken furnace on new year's eve, I remain ever optimistic for 2013.  So much so, that for the first time in a very long time I am going to make a new year's resolution or two(or three). 
First, I am going to spend more time with my parents.  At least one visit a week.  They live 10 minutes from me and they deserve some of my attention.  And I will enjoy it too.  My parents are good people and easy to appreciate and to make happy.  So I guess that's an easy one.
Second, I am going to stop working at night at home. DH bought me a laptop for Christmas so that should help things considerably. 
Lastly, I am going to try to do some sort of physical activity everyday.  I have a vacation coming up in March and I don't want any wobbly bits while wearing my swim suit.  Likely unrealistic (the no wobbly bits part anyway) but I am sure |I can make a dent in the old bingo wings at any rate.
So there it is, in black and white folks.  Here's to a happy and healthy 2013 for all of us!


  1. club med in florida--sun, golf, tennis, and circus school for the kids. cannot wait.
