Wednesday 30 January 2013

Joy Found in the Junk Drawer

I love to organize.  Simply love it.  Not that I am consistently on top of the game, mind you.  But there is something so satisfying in finding places for the clutter and making things easier to enjoy.  Today, on my prized day off, I have decided to reorganize the kitchen and clear some things that did not get weeded out prior to the move.  You know, the "junk" drawer (make that plural in my case).  Our assortment consisted of a hearty collection of pencil crayons of various sizes and colours (all left for dead because the kids have some notion that each school year must be started with new pencil crayons), colouring books (and it's been years since my kids sat and coloured), more three ring binder paper than one home should ever have, an electric brake control box (wires and all....seriously), and school work from three years ago.  And that was just the first drawer.  It was a purging stroll down memory lane and really, aren't those the best kind? sweet.  recycled.  I remember this... so cute.  trash. 
 It felt happy and productive at the same time.  To me, that's the best kind of day.  

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