Friday 18 January 2013

Butterfly File

I have suspected that something is amiss in my brain for a few months now.  Maybe it's stress.  Maybe it's the dreaded M word.  All I know is that for some reason I cannot retrieve words, make decisions, remember simple things, or otherwise function as a competent person. 
The other week, as I drove DD#2 through the neighbourhood around her piano lesson (as we were actually early for once!) to look at the Christmas lights, I had a good two minutes where I had no idea how to get back to the house for her lesson.  In fact, she had to tell me.
Today I went for a midday Starbucks treat and as I ripped open the brown sugar to add it to my coffee, I threw the torn piece in the garbage and then promptly emptied the sugar into the garbage instead of my coffee. 
Sadly, I could fill a page with examples.  While I am trying to laugh it all off, I have to wonder if it's time for the Butterfly File. Or maybe some hormones? 
Seeing as I currently have neither,  I will self medicate with a little wine and chocolate. 

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