Saturday 19 January 2013

Surely Those Can't Be Mine

This weekend DD#1 and I are in Milton for a swim meet.  For those not familiar with what a swim meet entails, I can sum it up in one small word: Sitting.  And you are sitting for hours.  Hours of chlorine stinging your eyes and loud whistles being blown and, if like today, you are lucky enough to have to sit on deck, you may also get splashed a bit too.  Which is fine because it does keep you awake.  Now in the midst of the sitting come some bright moments.  Today I got to watch DD#1 swim for 34 seconds in freestyle, 40 seconds in backstroke, and then 12 minutes in freestyle to end things (that 800m is some good value for your viewing money). 
Quite understandably, I was both exhausted (did I tell you we were out of the house by 5am?) and restless by the time the morning was done.  An interesting combination and one that warranted a dual plan of attack.  After a 45 minute nap, I hit the hotel gym.  Now I haven't yet set foot on a treadmill in our gym at home--for some reason jogging in front of strangers makes me feel self conscious--but since the room was empty I hopped on the treadmill and began my jog.  And then I looked up and realized that the entire wall in front of me was mirrored.  And that those strange, dimply knees were mine.  Oh dear God.  It was a moment of intense confusion (but wait, aren't those my grandmother's knees? how did they get here?), shameful realisation (ugh.  those nasty, jiggly, dimply things are attached to me--how on earth did I lose my muscles that used to be there?), and useful motivation (  It was probably the best run I've done in years (and I have tried, off and on, to love running. I truly have) and best of all, I now have a clear fitness goal.  Dimply knees be gone, this 40 something is pulling out a short skirt come summer.

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