Monday 25 March 2013

New Tricks

I decided to try something new this past weekend.  I should preface this by saying that I have historically, and in present days, not been known for my willingness to try something that I know I am not going to be good at.  I am not a "give it my best try" kinda gal.  I know, I know.  In my job, and in my life too, I should know better.  It's just not in my nature to go out on a limb and risk looking like an idiot.  Not to say that I never look like an idiot.  That's a daily event really.  But I certainly don't set myself up for it (although with a 14 year old daughter in the house, just speaking is a set up to be "the village idiot"). 
Now those who know me well would certainly agree that my dance moves are not so hot.  I don't have much natural rhythm and/or I can't just relax enough to go with the beat.  The jury is still out on that one.  In fact, my moves are so sad that one dear friend once peed her pants watching me attempt an exercise video.  No word of a lie. 
So....this past weekend I tried a Zumba class. You got it.  The rhythmically challenged girl meets Latin music and swingy hips.  Luckily, I was not alone (or, conversely, there was a witness).  Surprisingly, I had a wonderful time.  I am 100% sure I looked hysterical, but you know what?  It didn't even cross my mind to care.  Maybe at 42 I am finally growing into my skin.  And I think it's a bit thicker. 
This old dog is going to spend her 42nd year learning new tricks.
Bring it on.   


  1. You looked great. And good for you re goals for 42nd year.

  2. Way to go Gill! (And Happy 42. May it be a year with lots of new tricks.) :)
