Friday 4 November 2011

Disassembling the Traps

It's been an interesting couple of weeks around here.  For some reason, dd#2 has been a bit out of sorts and doing all sorts of poorly thought out/half crazy things.  I have been doing a lot of head shaking lately. And wondering where all this is coming from.  While amusing and frequently maddening, I have some deep concerns that the puppy will be the least of my worries come the end of November.  We have had some heart to heart discussions about the limits of my ability to deal with nonsense (which is next to none at this point) and the appropriate way for a 10 year old girl to act.  She sagely nodded her head and agreed.  There would be no more self-made chaos on her part.
Yesterday, on the drive home from dropping dd#1 off at the pool after school, I had a small but interesting request as we drove by her school...."Mom, can you stop at school so I can disassemble the traps?".  I didn't have the strength to ask.

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