Monday 31 October 2011


Yesterday we drove to Caledonia for our first visit with the puppies.  On the way there we talked about our favourites, based on the pictures we've been sent, and which puppies looked spunky.  We are all in agreement that a "Clearance Puppy" (if you've seen Marley and Me you'll know what we are talking about) would not be in our best interest.
As we walked into the puppy room we were astonished to see seven sleeping piles of fur.  Not a twitch, wiggle, or tail wag to be seen.  So, not to be thwarted in our pursuit of puppy play time, we set about waking them up.  You can see we were met with mixed success.

We enjoyed a good hour or more of cuddling, cajoling, squeaky-toy-blitzing, and petting these sweet bundles of fur.  All in all, they were pretty quiet (with the exception of one who took to howling at the squeaky toy) and low key.  There were lots of licks and some definite favourites chosen.  While we won't know which lovely pup is ours until closer to 8 weeks, we definitely fell in love a little bit with the boy (pictured sleeping above).  He was a great mix of snuggly and spunky and perhaps "needy" (as the males are rumoured to be--and perhaps not just in pups either, but ah, that is another post!) would be a good thing in a dog of 100 pounds or so.

As we climbed in the car to come home (and it was hard to leave, believe me), my puppy-bliss was replaced with puppy-dread.  What on earth have I signed on for?  I suppose you, me, and the rest of the family will soon find out.  In an effort to return to bliss-land, I picked up this dog toy today--a zombie sock monkey.  Perfect.

1 comment:

  1. I can't let myself get attached until a dog picks you...then I'll commit...but I am IN LOVE with that zombie monkey!!!
