Wednesday 5 October 2011

Catherine Day Part Two

Today marks the day, two years ago, that my wonderful sister-in-law and friend Catherine died.  Last year we marked the day by gathering as a large, extended family and baking muffins, cookies and squares that we later distributed to various shelters and groups around the city.  It felt purposeful and good.  That day, we were able to spread some kindness and it made marking the anniversary a little less painful.  This year, we are celebrating Catherine quietly.  I had intentions of driving up to Tiverton and spending a little time graveside but a stomach virus earlier in the week meant working today was inevitable.  My brother, who has been up visiting with his boys, is on his way back out east having introduced us to his new girlfriend.  Someone who I was relieved to have liked instantly.  The world keeps moving on and I suppose we must too.  So, today I will remember Catherine in a way that honours life moving on and yet, still keeps her memory alive.  I will write a letter to her sons  and tell them my very favourite things about their mom, things I think she would've liked them to know if they had had a chance to get to know her as a real person, and not just their mom.  They have now grown old enough to appreciate these things.   I will encourage them to be happy and to celebrate their accomplishments, always knowing how much of their mom's blood, sweat, and tears went in to the making of the people they are today and will be in the future.  And in her honour, I will make time to sit with a hot cup of coffee in hand and tell my girls a thing or two that they never knew about their wonderful aunt.


  1. This one made me cry. Has it been two years already? And then I was like - he has a girlfriend? what the... and then whew! she likes her - ha! wonderful that you are writing that letter. That's awesome. I like how you celebrated the first Catherine Day too. Hope you are feeling better. J

  2. PS - I like this peek into your world - I'm glad you're blogging
