Sunday 16 October 2011

Candy Monkey

Today was dd#2's (also known as the Candy Monkey) birthday party.  Normally I energetically plan the party and then begin to slowly dread it once the invitations go out.  The same was true until this morning when I realized that 10 year old girls will be happy no matter what, so long as there is candy involved.  I was proven correct.

Although everyone had a great (and I mean great) time playing Minute to Win It games, the hit by far was the Cupcake Boss themed second half of the party.  As we set up the decorating stations, there were audible gasps as I placed a plate of candy in front of each of the girls.  I mean it, they were in heaven.  Come to think of it, I would react just the same way.   


  1. Happy Birthday Candy Monkey! I especially love the candy corn cupcake - I love candy corn!! Love the Plan B here - choosing to approach the party with anticipation instead of dread. Our choice to view something a certain way sure can affect our disposition - I'm working on making the positive choices too.

  2. after i posted this, we had a family plan b event. while cooking the candy monkey's birthday dinner (her choice: chicken wings, no vegetables), there was a mighty crack from the oven and low and behold, one of our two glass dishes had shattered (and i do mean shattered--about 200 pieces worth) and there was butter and chicken all through the oven. as the chicken in the non-broken pan had glass all through it and the oven was obviously in no state for further cooking, i asked the birthday girl what plan b for dinner should be. She replied, "i hate plan b".
