Thursday 29 December 2011

Eat, Read, and Be Merry

So far this holiday, we have a done a great deal of nearly nothing.  It's been absolutely perfect.  Reading, card games, eating, board games, more eating, walking with the dog, eating, watching junior hockey, eating and of course, more eating.  Pure relaxation.  It's been a tremendous gift.  After years of hosting Christmas, having house guests, planning activities for 13 on a daily basis and generally acting as our family's "julie mc coy", this week of pyjama time has been all sorts of wonderful.
But good-ole-Julie is never out of commission for long....."family fun" (in quotation marks to reflect what I am sure will be DD#1's reaction to my ideas) is on the horizon.  That is, if I can put down The Hunger Games.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Julie...your holiday sounds wonderful!!! I knew you'd be hooked! enjoy the rest of your time off!!
