Saturday 7 April 2012

Grocery Zen

It's so quiet in my house this morning that I can hear the clock ticking on the wall across the room.  Dog is lazily sleeping at (or on really) my feet and everyone else is pleasantly tucked away.  It's too bad that I have to be awake at 6 AM to achieve this rare moment of complete peace but I'll take what I can get.  Crazily enough, I am about to head out to the grocery store in a few short minutes.  One of my many (and i do mean many) quirks is that I really can't stand to be in a crowded grocery store.  Not that I don't love the occasional cart pushed into my leg, the people shoving to get their choice of bananas (i know, sad but true), and long lost friends reuniting in the 2 foot wide aisle by the meat.  Don't get me wrong, I am not anti-people but seriously folks, grocery shopping is not a contact sport nor is it a social outing.  And don't get me started on the "charming" carts that look like race cars.  Really?  Why are we encouraging grocery shopping as a family event? Don't Even.
Hence the early morning.  Wish me luck, I'm going in and hopefully returning while the house is still silent.  I have a new Cathy Lamb book to crack open.

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