Tuesday 17 April 2012

Reading is a Life Skill

Just returned from an amazing, relaxing, and rejuvenating weekend with friends.  That we were scrapbooking is arbitrary.  What was really needed was some breathing time away and I didn't realize just how much until one of my friends noted how relaxed I looked.  That is food for thought indeed.  Clearly I am not handling plan b as gracefully as I had dreamed but I guess that's part of the whole adventure now isn't it?  On the journey to our getaway, I had an interesting chat with my BFF about information that we take for granted that just might be new learning for others.  I was reliving a chat I'd had years ago with my children's babysitter when she was exclaiming how brilliant one of her friends was, telling me that she knew all sorts of amazing things like what a female bar mitzvah was called.  I remember thinking silently in my head (i know, one of those rare occurences where what i thought did not pop out of my mouth--i will pause while you absorb the rarity of that moment.......), "doesn't everyone know what a bat mitzvah is?".  And so continued our conversation where we came to some conclusion that people who read alot, even when it's campy fiction, tend to learn alot of things about alot of different things (but apparently do not learn how to write an interesting sentence or use words beside "alot").  That point was driven home during our weekend.  I have some difficulty with dairy foods and in the past, have requested accommodation for this on our weekend away.  As it didn't go so well last year, I decided to keep my mouth shut (i know, i know, twice in one post--maybe i am developing some sort of filter? one can dream) and just take some medication.  However, they still had the dairy free thing on file.  After trying to explain that just because they didn't dip my croissant french toast in milk doesn't mean it is dairy free ("is butter dairy?" i was asked) or that a butter-milk (words hyphenated for full effect) biscuit has dairy in it, I became a little forceful in requesting they disregard the dairy free.  When one has to explain that eggs are not dairy, it becomes apparent that some basic knowledge may be missing.
Make no mistake, it didn't compromise my happiness on the weekend one bit but it did give me some food for thought (no pun intended but feel free to groan if you must)---reading is the gateway to coping in the world.  So bring on the next Sookie Stackhouse novel....I got a few things to learn about viking vampires....

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