Monday 2 April 2012

London 2012

DD1 had the opportunity this past weekend to go with her swim club to Montreal.  They spent three days cheering on their fellow teammates at the Olympic Trials and had some pretty exciting moments.  DD1 got to see Ryan Cochrane and Julia Wilkinson earn their spots on the Canadian Olympic team and while these two swimmers are not from her team, she did get to meet them last spring when they came to our pool to train.  Joe Bartoch and Richard Harkness from her team made the Olympic list, signed her shirt, and spent time with their "fans" in the stands.  Her swim coach from last year, Brayden, swam in several events and did well despite battling mono for the past three months.  It's not often you get to be a part of the making of heroes.
Here is my summary of the weekend, from DD1:  They ate cookies for breakfast on the bus, laughed until their sides hurt, cheered until they lost their voice, and had more fun than can ever be explained (or so I've heard).  What an amazing opportunity for DD1.  Now, if I could only scrape her out of bed to get to school....

1 comment:

  1. How cool is that?!! Love watching their independence blossom...but never easy either. Trying to hold onto the positive side of it all as EM heads to Europe this week, but not as easy as I would like it to be. Not worried about cookies for breakfast...that's cool...but worried about safety. I know I worry too much. She really wants to "be away" -- I will be shocked if she even texts me to let me know she is still breathing. Ha! She is sixteen...going on seventeen...sing it with me now...
