Friday 30 March 2012

Literary Awakenings

DD2 had a huge literary awakening last night.  She realized that she might, in fact, like books.  Despite her consistent resisting of all things reading, she has been "encouraged" to read several lengthy chapter books for school in these past few weeks.  The latest book for "literature circles" (and i ask you, isn't that name enough to make you cringe and not want to read??) is called Fire Girl and is about a girl who had been burned in a car fire.  Last night she voluntarily finished the book (ahead of schedule which in and of itself is a small miracle) and as she sat down to dinner she burst into tears.  And I mean tears, as in plural,  as in just shy of sobbing.  "This book is amazing.  but oh so sad.  but still so good".  Although she was sad, I love that she discovered that reading is an experience and a good book should make you feel something.  I feel optimistic for her reading future and am excited to think that she may one day share that passion with me.

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