Wednesday 7 March 2012

Really? You're taking the pens?

It's amazing how life takes you from highs to lows and everywhere inbetween.  Often in just a few short hours.  Last night our car was broken into as it sat in our driveway.  Our "guard dog" (ha ha ha) didn't even blink.  Not a peep.  This from the dog who hears the car door close and waits by the door for you to come up the walk.  This from the dog who is constantly (and i mean constantly hence the nickname "seagull") making noise.  Perhaps if the thieves had been carrying some dried liver in their pockets....
There was nothing of importance stolen except DH's gas card which i suppose will be very important to his employer.  I suspect the thief has filled his car and all his family's cars by now and really, that is worth a lot of cash.  Other than that, the thief is now the proud owner of an ipod cable, pocket change, an umbrella (now there's a hot item), and some pens.   Where is that happy crossing guard when you need her?