Sunday 12 January 2014

Ask Me Anything

Okay, I realize I am old by social media standards and my opinions are less than current but recently, I have been completely disgusted by the trend towards young women putting their whole lives (and I mean WHOLE lives) on a question-based social media site.  I am not sure if they realize that someone like me (yes, I admit to a certain amount of trolling but I do have two DDs to look out for) can access their answers.  Answers to questions regarding drug use, sexual experiences, sexual preferences...pick a topic and there is some young woman candidly answering questions for all (and I do mean ALL) to read.  Terrifying.  I can only pray that these young girls have a parent who is paying attention.  And not just about the content (because that seems disturbing enough but who ever said teens made good decisions?) but the fact that this information is now PUBLIC knowledge.  Because you can bet the first thing I did after seeing those pages was sit my DD down and ASK questions.

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