Monday 5 September 2011

Change Junkie

I'm a bit of a change junkie.  Give me a chance to break out of the rut and I will jump at it.  In particular, I try to look at each new school year as a chance to change--we change our routines, we change our clothing (insert huge sigh here at the thought of wearing long pants), and we have a chance at changing ourselves just a bit.  Starting a new grade at school always felt like a bit of a reinvention and certainly having the summer off with kids gives me the "start of the school year" optimism for my life as well.

This year I am vowing to change how much control work will have over my life.  I am determined to let go of the garbage and cling to the good.  One day at a time I suppose, starting with tomorrow.

This year the girls have found their "thing", the one activity that makes them feel competent and a part of something bigger than themselves.  I am so excited to see what changes this confidence brings to their lives and will try to embrace the 6AM swim practices and 5 to 7 day play rehearsals with the enthusiasm my kids deserve.

Sappy but sincere.


  1. Think of all the reading you will get done while you wait for them!!

  2. And btw - I mentioned you with the change junkie title in my art journal - love that phrase!!
