Friday 30 September 2011

Finding Your Place

In the past few weeks, it has become very apparent to me that there is a definite place that we are meant to "be".  This year DD2 is in her "place".  Between her theatre group and her enriched programming, she is simply shining.  DD1 has found her "place" in swimming and although she spends most of her free time in the pool, she could not be happier.  My DH has recently switched jobs and is wildly happy.  And then there was me.  I have been giving my "place" a lot of thought lately and short of winning the lottery and pursuing my interests full time, I haven't quite been able to determine where I should be.
Today I had my moment.
There is much about my job that I like however, it is usually overshadowed by all sorts of passive aggressive nonsense.  In short, it is often ruined by the adults in the room.  This afternoon I entered a very lively kindergarten class, prepared for a loud and energy filled couple of hours.  While it was loud and energy filled, I had a remarkable session with a little boy who just filled the room with happiness.  Despite his difficulty sitting still and slightly off kilter group participation, he was happy and engaging and really just what I needed.  We laughed as we played playdoh dinosaurs, cheered his success as we used the computer, and shared a moment of unhappiness as he passed the tv in the hallway (seriously though, who puts a tv in a school hallway??).  It was the best 90 minutes of my entire week.
Perhaps my place is right where I am and if I stop looking for something more, I just might be able to settle in and enjoy it.

1 comment:

  1. I love this post. It resonates with me. The fun starts when you begin to ignore and move on by (the best you can) the negative adults and focus on making the best things about your "place" even better! What an AHA moment for you!! I wish you peace about settling in - don't is not the same as settling.
