Thursday 8 September 2011

Starting with a Single Step

Today I wore long pants for the first time in a few months.  You may have had this moment before too--you know, the one where you get them on and up your legs and then silently pray they will fasten without looking obscenely tight.  As luck would have it they did fasten (hooray) and could be worn without being offensive.  I was off to a good start.  However, 10 minutes in it was becoming apparent that this was going to be a sausage link kind of day.  You know, the sort of day where the thighs of your pants are so snug that you feel like your legs are enclosed in sausage casings.  The sort of day where every step reminds you that you need to take some action.  As I write this, I still bear the marks of my waistband even though the pants were removed over an hour ago.

You see, I've had quite a lovely summer of over indulgence.  Starting with a butter free for all (I could eat dairy in France for some reason so I did go a bit crazy) in Paris and ending with a final Gin and Tonic on the patio on Labour Day.

(this was the beginning of the end for me....and yes, I did eat that hockey puck of butter pictured on the plate.  it was worth it just to finally have the chance to embarrass the hubby in public and besides, it tasted heavenly)

Tonight I decided to go for a walk.  Let me just say that I find walking as exercise incredibly boring.  I personally would find it much more exciting if someone randomly threw a ball into your path and raced you to it.  I am, and always will be, a sport kinda gal.  Seeing as schedules don't allow for me to play sports as much as I'd like, I really need to find an activity that I will be motivated to do.  I tried running but years of competitive sport have done a little damage to my joints and I'm good for a few days of running so long as I don't need to raise myself from the toilet the next day.  So walking it was and will continue to be.

To make the most of my journey I decided to do a little garden recon instead of listening to music (plus I do have a habit of singing along rather loudly that disturbs those around me).   Did you know people use toilets as planters?  Disturbing.  I did, however, gather a few ideas that don't involve bathroom items and actually enjoyed taking a few pictures of plants that interested me.  And I returned home a bit happier than when I left.  Perhaps this spring I'll finally dig up the garden in the front.  One step at a time.

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on attaching photos! great shot! Also - congrats on the walking! I started this week too. I listen to audible books as I walk...although my mind is easily distracted by what I see (no toilets though thankfully!). Loving the blog! I'm such a voyeur! Have a great weekend.
